Bupax. Patient’s perspective

I am currently a bupax user for heroin dependency. From the age of 14 when I first started using morphine to the age of 36 I used opiates in one form or another. I tried rehabs and jail. I tried Methadone which in my opinion was much worse and was almost like heroin as it was cash based and you had to meet up every day to take it. It was a pain for having any kind of scheduled life and being spontaneous was out of the question. I couldn’t just go on vacation or any place unless I had verification and then an okay from the doctor for take home meds. It was all very invasive and the withdraw from methadone? I won’t even get into it but I’ll die before I take that medication again.

A couple years ago I decided I was just tired. I couldn’t anymore, it was all too much. I’ve got a wife and kids and I was loosing them. I signed up and started bupax. Now I’m not telling anyone how to live their life but it’s saved mine. There’s so many arguments for and against this drug but for me, it works. Instead of going to the back alleys of delhi and risking my life for a drug that depleted my sanity and my bank account I now get up and work every day. I take care of my children. I go on vacations and don’t ever worry about needing to be away from town for a few days. My attitude and mental well-being are much better as a whole. I feel like a normal person.

I have no qualms about taking this drug even for the rest of my life as long as I never do heroin again. I don’t care if it’s a crutch. Crutches have their purpose, and being an addict is like having a permanently broken leg. Besides my wife no one even knows I’m on it. I see the doctor and I get my script along with the other drugs I need (depression which has been life long, and a couple other non addictive drugs) and my insurance covers it just like everything else. I have no compulsion to rob, lie, or cheat anyone. I actually live my life. I do agree about the side effects I’ve had with long term use, the heat flashes and decreased libido. These are the only ones I’ve experienced and they are much less than the side effects I have from my other medications.

To me, this drug does what it should. I take one 8mg strip split into thirds through the day. I don’t worry about relapse. I don’t feel any crushing weight. I can function normally and care for my family. You can call it what you will. If I can take it the rest of my life I will. Programs never worked for me, they just filled the time until I started using again. Actually any period of sobriety was just time waiting to get high again. Maybe I’m weak, maybe I’m cynical and a monster. I can accept all those things. I never thought using drugs was right but I always found a way to do them. Today, I don’t even think about it. I don’t care about drugs anymore. I’m happy. Even if it’s replacing one drug for another it’s a good choice for me . The drug I replaced was far worse and it was destroying me and everyone around me.

Bupax works for me. It does what it’s supposed to. I’ve now been off heroin for almost 4 years. I’ve never slipped and used. I’ve never felt I even wanted to, and that’s the truth. It may be one drug for another but the difference is like Brufen for Voveran (in the difference in the way you are using these substances). From a drooling thieving piece of shit, to a hard working family man.

This is just my opinion. I’m not a doctor or medically trained 

Side effects are pretty same as being addicted to Heroin. Constipations, hot flashes at the moment when Subs starts to wear of, some pains also,etc

Differences are that you can “survive” for at least 2-3 days without any, before you get to the real withdrawal symptoms. That’s why it’s “better”, because you don’t have to chase your highs and money every day, as you would on Heroin.

It’s just a helpful drug to give you distance from your worst Heroin behavior and to make you cut all ties with dealers and all round bad people that are always involved with Heroin addiction

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