Monthly Archives: February 2018

Expenses and ICU

  Abstract  Introduction: In this era, health-care facilities have improved greatly which has increased the life expectancy of humanity, but all these costs and so the role of economic evaluations of health-care interventions has become increasingly important especially in developing countries like India. Objective: To estimate the expenses of a patient in Intensive Care Unit (ICU), […]


*This defines the fraternity, the service, the great profession..!!This is IMA..!!!* *Extremely Proud of our IMA Hon. Secretary General Dr. R.N.Tandon sir..* Sharing a happening incidence yesterday onboard Jet Airways flight 9W 308 from Delhi to Mumbai. HSG Dr. Tandon boarded the flight yesterday at IGI Airport. While the flight was sailing towards Mumbai, suddenly […]

PRICING methods.

I believe doctors don't know PRICING methods. There are two ways of pricing. 1. Product pricing 2. Services pricing. Product pricing is depend upon expenses incurred in product manufacturering , delivery and sale. In addition, profit is added to price. Service pricing is based on How much value or benefit the client is receiving. For […]

Senior Doctors Need To Reinvent Themselves

Dr Aniruddha Malpani Most doctors are pretty much set in their way by the time they reach 50. They expect to continue practicing clinical medicine and remaining doctors all their life. In one sense, unfortunately, they've become very myopic and end up leading their life pretty much on autopilot. This is partly because they think […]


From the way you move and sleep, to how you interact with people around you, depression changes just about everything. It is even noticeable in the way you speak and express yourself in writing. Sometimes this “language of depression” can have a powerful effect on others. Just consider the impact of the poetry and song […]


There has considerable talk of the eminent arrival of revalidation and annual appraisals for doctors in India. There is no clear direction or plans on how this process will be enforced or is planned. We know that this idea has been borrowed from the United Kingdom and I will try and explain how this system […]

Gripe water

Gripe water for Infants- Toxicological secrets & Medicolegal issues. (Colic, Gripe, Gripe water, Herbal tea, Per-lacteal feed, Exclusive breast feeding, Battered babies, shaken baby syndrome, Sudden infant death syndrome) Q. What is the gripe water story?It is serendipitous that a treatment Woodward designed for malaria is today a popular treatment for colic with an enormous […]

Old age

.🔴""……..ओशो💟……."" मनोवैज्ञानिक कहते हैं: जिस दिन से तुम अतीत के संबंध में ज्यादा विचार करने लगो, समझ लेना कि बूढ़े हो गए। बुढ़ापे की यह मनोवैज्ञानिक परिभाषा है। जिस दिन से तुम्हें अतीत के ज्यादा विचार आने लगें और तुम पीछे की बातें करने लगो, कि वे दिन, अब क्या रखा है, अब दुनिया वह […]

*Golden Words to every doctor*

A patient is never a customer or consumer, let the law of the land say anything. Every patient is a life with a beating heart and a thinking brain, and you are being trusted by that patient to keep that heart beating and brain thinking. That is your responsibility today and after a thousand years […]


He is a fervent, and eloquent, evangelist for the art of healing as distinct from the science of cure, a continuous student of the humanities. This arguably accounts for his reputation as India's best diagnostician. He is the colossus of Breach Candy Hospital. When he walks through the corridors of Parsi General, people reverentially stand […]

Budget for health sector-IMA reaction. 

IMA welcomes certain provisions for health sector in the budget presented today but still lacks the necessary allocations to mitigate the problems faced by the community in regards to have an accessible,affordable,accountable and scientific health care. Primary figures of allocation to health sector are not at all satisfactory- IMA had demanded minimum 3% of GDP […]


Letter to up principal health SecINDIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION(Registered under Societies Act XXI of 1860)UP STATE BRANCH (Session 2017-18)State Office: IMA UP STATE, A-512, Lajpat Nagar, Rampur Road, Moradabad 244001 Phone: 0591-2493666 E-mail: Website: http://www.imaup.in1 Dr. Sudhir Dhakre President21 Moti Bagh,Dayal Bagh, Agra-2820055MOB- 9837029529Email: sdhakre9@gmail.comDate; 29-01-2018ToThe Principal Secretary Health Govt. of U.P.Subject: Change the CEA […]

Akathisia: overlooked at a cost

Hiroko Akagi, consultant in liaison psychiatry and T Manoj Kumar, consultant in liaison psychiatryAdditional article informationAkathisia (Greek “not to sit”) is an extrapyramidal movement disorder consisting of difficulty in staying still and a subjective sense of restlessness. It is a recognised side effect of antipsychotic and antiemetic drugs but may also be caused by other […]